
Hiking Embalse del Regajo Salto de la novia

Hiking Embalse regajo - Salto de la novia

From 22€
Hiking, views Saturday 04/06/22
Info en español 
A classic route that runs along the Palancia river, passes through the Regajo reservoir, Fuente de los Baños, the Tío Juan waterfall, the Arab tower and ends at the waterfall of the Navajas “Salto de la novia”
The route is circular and has an approximate length of 11.5 km. It will take about 3.5 hours to complete this walk that will end at the waterfall “Salto de la novia”
The route is really beautiful, a perfect route to take photos, cool off in the fountains and waterfalls.
Why do they call it “Bride waterfall”Salto de la novia”? The legend says that many years ago when a couple wanted to get married, the bride had to jump the narrow river and prove her fertility.
Once a girl slipped her foot when jumping and fell into a river and lost in a whirlpool. Seeing what happened, the boyfriend also jumped to try to save his love and lost his life too. They say that the voices of the bride and groom are still heard, the groom turned into a stone making the waterfall that mourns the loss of his bride.
Route Description
Distance: 11.5km
Difficulty level: Medium – Easy
Duration: 3.5 hours
Positive slope: 838 m
Total difference in altitude (highest point): 542 meters


9:00 Departure
Meeting point Av. Aragón, 31 be there at 08:45
10:30 Arriving and hiking
short break, and then we start the hike
Around 13:30 Break to Lunch
It’s time for a lunch break
16:00 Arriving to "SALTO DE LA NOVIA"
we will finish the hike at Salto de la Novia Waterfall. We relax until 18:00
18:30 coming back to valencia
coming back to valencia
  • Appropriate shoes (sports or hiking shoes, but please no sneakers)
  • Water (Min 2 liters)
  • Food (No stores, bring food from home)
  • swimwear
Individual: Until Wednesday €23 After Wednesday €25.
Group of 5 or more: Until Wednesday €22 After Wednesday €24.

Includes: Bus + Guided tour + Hiking route + better organization + Travel insurance

please bring 1 € in cash for the entrance to Salto de la Novia

Special discount of 5% even with the code “LANGUAGEEXCHANGE”.

At the office from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (only with a pre-booked appointment (send us an email).
You can also go to our language exchange to book the ticket:
Monday and Thursday 20:00 in Big Ben
online link:

Protocolo Coronavirus VLE

Para poder viajar y disfrutar de forma segura tendremos que seguir estos protocolos para viajar con VLE/CoAcad. 1. Antes de todo, si sientes algunos síntomas como fiebre/tos/problema respiratorio no deberías acudir al punto de salida. 2. Uso de mascarilla va ser obligatoria durante todo el tiempo en el autobús. 3. El autobús será tratado con desinfectados antes y después de cada servicio. 4. Antes de subir al autobús se hará control de temperatura. 5. Te entregaremos una toallita desinfectante para que puedas limpiar tu asiento de forma segura. 6. No imprimas billet, será suficiente con tener el codigo QR en el móvil o solo dinos tu nombre y apellidos. 7. Durante todas la visitas guiadas (todo el tiempo), el uso de mascarilla va ser obligatoria.

Punto de encuentro: AVENIDA ARAGON 31 (frente a Mestalla)

Todos nuestro viajes están organizado por agencia de viaje Wexcursion, con numero de licencia. CV-m-1881-V

All our trips are organised by Travel agency, Wexcursion, under licence number CV-m-1881-V.

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