
In an increasingly globalized world, knowing foreign languages has become an important instrument for social interaction and represents unavoidable need for human beings, because the level of development reached by today’s society demands it from us.

Valencia Language Exchange (VLE) wants to promote the learning of languages from a different perspective. The most efficient method to learn a language is imitating the process everyone goes through when they learn their own language naturally, through social interaction.

is one of the largest language exchange groups in Europe. As a politically independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization, VLE is an association open to people of all ages interested in learning new languages and sharing their own.

The idea originated in 2008, when 7 people of various nationalities, living in Valencia, decided to meet sporadically with the aim of practicing their respective languages and learning new ones. Today, 14 years later, these meetings are attended by over 150 people every day, with a total of over 15,000 members.

How Valencia Language Exchange works?

VALENCIA LANGUAGE EXCHANGE provides its users with the necessary resources to hold these meetings.  The operation is very simple: when each person arrives at one of these meetings, an organizer is assigned to direct them to a table where other people interested in speaking a particular language have sat, either because they are learning it or because it is their native language. A few minutes after the start of each event, the establishment in question has become a multilingual gathering place.

In addition to the daily meetings (every day of the week in a different establishment, in order to reach more people), VALENCIA LANGUAGE EXCHANGE organizes all kinds of events: trips to the mountains, cultural outings, karaoke, etc.. Over time, Valencia Language Exchange has become a big family for all the local people who attend these meetings, having had the opportunity to meet hundreds of people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds.

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