
Thursday Language Exchange at Big Ben

Bigben: Plaza Honduras 36 20:30
Thursday Language Exchanges are very popular among university students (Erasmus and locals). It is the biggest language exchange. 
In this language exchange, you can practise up to 5 different languages and you can participate in our famous YO-QUIZ, where every correct answer is rewarded with a shot! After the event you can also go to RUMBO, which is a club and part there. The entry will be free if you are registered with us!
Want to participate?
You don’t need to register, you can come directly.  But It is necesary to be member to join any event. 
You can be member by joining the membership here.
When do we meet?From 20:30 onwards. You can come anytime but it is recommended to be punctual.
Where do we meet?: Big Ben, Plaza Honduras 36. 
Here is the map:  
What is the objective of the languages exchanges?
A language exchange is the best way to learn or practice a language and meet new people.
It reanacts the way everyone learns the mother tongue, through social interaction.
In a language academy, you can learn written skills, grammar and specific language rules, but oral skills are learned through interaction with natives. We are not an specialised academy but we want to add to the learning process of foreign languages.
The objective of these meetings is clear: exchanging languages. So you can practice different languages the same way you learnt your mother tongue, through social interactions. 
How does the event work? Upon arrival, you are receiving a stickeron which you can write your name, your native language and the languages you would like to practise. You are free to join groupes of people or sit down at a table with other language learners.
Connecting internationals with locals. 

Monday Language Exchange

Plaza Honduras 36

Lovely sunset on a beautiful rooftop in Valencia with international friends!

Tuesday Language Exchange

Palau Alameda, Carrer de l'Arquitecte Mora 2, Valencia


Wednesday Language Exchange + Salsa


Register here!

Thursday Language Exchange

Plaza Honduras 36

Every Saturday of the week

Flag Tandem Umbracle

Umbracle, City of Arts & Sciences

Speak & Party!
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