Protocolo Coronavirus VLE for the event
(According to the circumstances and situation of Coronavirus)
For Valencia Language exchange the most important is your health. In order to participate in this event we will have to follow these protocols.
First of all, if you feel some symptoms like fever / cough / respiratory problem you should not go the meeting.
There will be a limit of attendees/participants (It will depend what the official authorities allow us).
To guarantee your security every participants has to register before.
The food and drinks will be served on the table and we will have to respect the number of max people set.
We will control the temperature before getting in the event.
The concert will be sitted and respecting the distance between participants.
Standing up/dancing will not be allowed.
We will sanitize hands everytime we will enter to concert/bar.
And we will Wash our hands/Sanitize them:
Before getting to the meeting.
After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing,
After touching money
After using the toilet